viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014

Ficam wp80 bayer

Madde veya karışımın ilgili tespit edilen kullanımları ve tavsiye edilmeyen kullanımları. Minimal visual deposit after application. Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.

Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects. TOXIC ( bendiocarb ) Class 6.

SUSDP classification: Schedule . Kills all crawling insects. Bendiocarb ( ficam ) is a derivative of carbamic acid. Buy from DIY Pest Control today. Ideal para programas de rotación en M. Insecticida Polvo mojable de rápida acción y gran residualidad.

BAYER, FİCAM , W , böcek, akrep, pire, öldüren, en, etkili, BÖCEK, ZEHİRİ, İLAÇ, 39TL, BENDİOCARB , AKTİFLİ . Familia química: Carbamato.

Otros datos relevantes: Tipo de producto: INSECTICIDA . En caché Traducir esta página oct. A broad spectrum insectide spray for control of a wide range of insect pests. A broad range, odorless insecticide for use in and around homes, restaurants and other buildings.

Our favorite for spiders, . A non-repellent, odourless water dispersible powder in a soluble sachet or in polyjars. Ficam W ) was no longer used in New Zealand”. Anopheles stephensi Liston the main malaria vec- tor in the south of Iran, . Solubility ‎: ‎Chloroform (Slightly), Methanol. Es un insecticida polvorozable de rápida acción y gran residualidad. Descripción del producto.

Es un polvo mojable que contiene de bendiocarb , por lo que sólo se . Hazard statements according to Regulation (EC) No. Commonly used products containing carbamates include (active ingredient in brackets):. Por otro lado, la susceptibilidad al bendiocarb fue total, con una mortalidad de.

Behandelde oppervlakken volledig laten . BENDIOCARB HOMEOWNER WETTABLE POWDER,.

G INSECT CONTROL GRANULES, 2. In common with all other methyl isocyanates, bendiocarb will liberate strongly . However, data collected on the residual life of bendiocarb used for IRS in some areas indicate shorter than expected bio-efficacy. Bayer Environmental Science. Las concentraciones de bendiocarb , s-bioaletrina y temefos cumplieron los . Felülvizsgálat dátuma: 07.

The ecological data given are those of the active ingredient bendiocarb. FICAM W ROVARIRTÓ KONCENTRÁTUM. WETTELIJK GEBRUIKSVOORSCHRIFT. Toegestaan is uitsluitend het.

Chemische Charakterisierung. Wasserdispergierbares Pulver (WP). Gefährliche Inhaltsstoffe. Gefahrenhinweise gemäß .

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